Serious Further Offence Review Reports


The session began with a summary of recent recommendations from serious further offence reviews. 

Dr Jake Phillips Sheffield Hallam University presented his research "Learning from Inspection to inform SFO Reviews

A very positive discussion followed including Martin Jones, Chief Inspector of Probation, and Simi Badachha, Head of Inspections. Martin and Simi were very supportive and helpful to the participants. 

To summarise a few key points from the discussion:

* HMIP and HMPPS could look at approaches to sharing the findings and recommendations with practitioners - who do not always see the full HMI reports.

* Many of the themes in the findings and recommendations have been repeated in prior inspections over time.

* Influence needs to be exerted in the courts where more information is needed before sentencing for eg treatment orders, curfews - particularly regarding safeguarding 

* SFO reports do not seek to point to mistakes or single acts that would have prevented the serious further offence but will seek to reduce the likelihood.

* There is a great deal of unsung very good practice which does not receive sufficient recognition.

Richard Rowley