Research Panel
The Research Panel ensures that research findings about probation work are accessible to Probation Institute members and that a culture of probation practitioner research is nurtured.
The Probation Institute Research Panel includes practitioners, academics, researchers and those working on evidence-based practice. This is an important panel underpinning much of the work of the Institute and it is vital that it is informed by practitioners as well as researchers.
The Research Panel is important in the development of our Position Papers, research projects and events. Two of our annual events are Research Conferences – topics have included Service User Involvement in partnership with the National Probation Service and Work with Families.
The Panel meets at least quarterly, often online and steers a number of research activities including the Sir Graham Smith Research Awards. We warmly welcome enquiries about the Panel, suggestions for our work and of course – new members!
For further information contact
Current Members
Anne Burrell, Jill Dealey, Anthony Goodman, Michelle McDermott, Madeline Petrillo, Jake Phillips, Helen Schofield, Matt Tidmarsh (Chair)