Useful links
The following web page provides links to organisations which you may find useful for professional development including research.
The Probation Institute is not responsible and cannot guarantee the accuracy of information on sites it does not manage. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by the Probation Institute. Use of any such linked website is at the user's own risk.
Birth Companions - offer practical and emotional support to women before, during and after their baby’s birth in prisons across England and in the community in London.
Centre for Crime and Justice Studies - they envisage a society less dominated by criminalisation and punishment, because they can find better ways to prevent and address the problems. Through their collaborations, local, national and international, they take practical steps to achieve this vision in the here and now.
Centre for Justice Innovation - they seek to build a justice system which every citizen believes is fair and effective. They believe that the justice system should be focused on solving the issues that drive crime and social harm; that it should be fair in how it treats people; that it should be proportionate in the things it does; and that those on the front line should be given the freedom and support to come up with innovative solutions to the problems their communities face.
Children Heard and Seen - a charity which provides support and interventions for children with a parent in prison.
Clinks - supports, promotes and represents the voluntary sector working with people in the criminal justice system and their families. Clinks vision is of a vibrant, independent and resilient voluntary sector that enables people to transform their lives.
Criminal Justice Alliance - a network of 160 organisations working towards a fair and effective criminal justice system.
Detention Action - we campaign for detention reform. We support people held at Colnbrook and Harmondsworth detention centres and people held under immigration powers in London prisons.
Email a Prisoner - a quick, efficient, secure alternative method of communication for Prisoners, their families, friends, legal professionals and related organisations - meaning Prisoners can receive more frequent and varied communication.
GamCare - the leading provider of information, advice and support for anyone affected by gambling harms.
Howard League for Penal Reform - a national charity working for less crime, safer communities and fewer people in prison.
Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research - the overarching aims of ICPR’s work are to produce and disseminate knowledge about justice, and thereby to inform public and political debate, and to contribute to improvements in policy and practice.
Knowledge Exchange - Curated by the Butler Trust, the Knowledge Exchange is a place for people working in criminal justice settings to find and share resources, research, and examples of notable practice, relevant to their roles.
Leaders Unlocked - enables young people and underrepresented groups to have a stronger voice on the issues that affect their lives.
Magistrates Association - as the only independent voice of the magistracy they influence policy at the highest levels of government, conduct research and represent their views through media engagement.
Making It Out - a charity working with people who are in need of structured occupational support to help them get their life back on track. They design and make a wide range of artefacts and artworks, from intricate small scale pieces all the way to large public installations.
Modern Slavery Helpline - the team echo the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, which states that: “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.” Learn how to Spot the Signs of modern slavery, including general indicators and key signs relevant to the major types of exploitation, including child exploitation.
Prison Reform Trust - an independent UK charity working to create a just, humane and effective penal system.
Revolving Doors - they work in a uniquely collaborative way that brings their team’s hands-on knowledge of research and policy together with the perspective and insights of those who have experienced the failure of the system. This allows them to provide joined-up responses to the needs of people with multiple and complex problems.
Unlock - an independent award-winning national charity that provides a voice and support for people who are facing stigma and obstacles because of their criminal record, often long after they have served their sentence.
Victim Support - an independent charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents in England and Wales. They provide specialist help to support people to cope and recover to the point where they feel they are back on track with their lives.
Women in Prison - a national charity that supports women affected by the criminal justice system and campaigns to end the harm caused to women, their families and our communities by imprisonment.
Working Chance - the UK's only employment charity solely for women with convictions. Working Chance helps women with convictions to develop the confidence, skills and self-belief they need to overcome any barriers to their employment, find jobs and build careers.