Anne Worrall
Anne Worrall
Emerita Professor of Criminology at Keele University
Anne is Emerita Professor of Criminology at the School of Social Science and Public Policy, Keele University. She has been a practitioner, lecturer, researcher and writer for over 40 years and a supporter of the Probation Institute from its outset.
As a practitioner, she developed a particular interest in working with women offenders, at a time when this was considered slightly eccentric, given their small numbers. She started what is thought to be the first group in Staffordshire for women offenders and, although it was a small project by today’s standards, it helped to change the way people thought about working with women. That interest developed into research over the years and her first book Offending Women (1990) has become something of a classic in the field of working with women in the community. She has since (co)authored books and articles on the subject and has continued to undertake evaluation research into various women-focussed initiatives, including one-stop shops and mentoring. She also has a more general international reputation for work on women and criminal justice, including a long-standing relationship with the University of Western Australia.
In the late 1990s, Staffordshire Probation and Police Services were among the first to develop programmes for prolific offenders and Anne was involved from the outset in their evaluation. This developed into an area of expertise and she has continued to conduct evaluation research into Integrated Offender Management.
Anne conducted research (with Rob Mawby) in 2010/2011 into probation worker identities and occupational cultures, leading to the book, Doing Probation Work (2013). She has supported the Institute from its inception and was a member of the working group that drew up the Code of Ethics. She was invited to deliver the 18th Annual Bill McWilliams Memorial Lecture at Cambridge in 2015, which is a mark of recognition for Anne’s contribution over the years to probation policy, practice and research.
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