Serious Further Offences Review of the case of Jordan McSweeney


The Serious Further Offences Review of the case of Jordan McSweeney is the second SFO review published in two weeks. We urge all our members, practitioners, academics, managers and leaders to read this review.

Whilst it is possible to see how this tragic case unfolded much more quickly on release than might have been anticipated it is critical that this individual was wrongly risk assessed. There is evidence of poor communication between the prisons and probation services. At various points after the inappropriate risk assessment,  a different decision could have been made about the risk level. Jordan McSweeney killed Zara Aleena 9 days after his release from prison - such a precarious period of time.

The Probation Institute will be studying both SFO Review reports carefully to identify any ways in which we may be able to help to reduce risk of further serious harm.

Read the review

Richard Rowley