Race equality in probation follow-up: A work in progress


Two years on from the HMI Report on Race Equality in Probation, HMI Probation have followed up their inspection. We are very pleased to see this follow up. The report identifies improvement in some areas, but continuing shortcomings and challenges in others.  

In our view the recommendations are all critical and they include;

HMPPS should:

1. Develop learning programmes that enable probation staff to: 

  • understand discrimination and its impact 

  • provide culturally competent services 

  • reflect on their anti-discriminatory practice 

  • be confident in discussing racism and challenging discrimination 

  • eradicate bias in decision-making 

  • work effectively with interpreters

2. Improve the quality of assessment and planning for minority ethnic people on probation and incorporate guidance on addressing culture, faith, and experiences of discrimination into any future assessment and planning tools.

3. Ensure that minority ethnic people on probation have access to appropriate services and interventions while on probation and in the community.

Download the report

Image from HMI Probation

Richard Rowley