Lord Chancellor sets out immediate action to defuse ticking prison ‘time-bomb’


The Probation Institute is appalled that prison numbers have risen to such unsafe levels. 

Statistics show that in 2022 32% of the prison population did not commit offences of violence including sexual offences, or drug offences. We suggest that many of this 32% could have received community sentences. The Prison Reform Trust statistics record that 61% did not commit offences of violence. 

This is a sentencing issue pointing at the sentencing courts and the importance of identifying accurately who can benefit from supervision in the community and does not need to be in prison. We need to work harder going forward, at the front end of the problem, building confidence in community sentences and drawing on all the available support in communities to reduce the risks of re-offending. New prisons should only be needed to replace the Victorian prisons we are still tolerating. 

We are very pleased to see a commitment to recruit 1000 new Probation Officers but the current problems of low attraction and attrition in Probation will not be solved quickly by more recruitment.

How about praising and rewarding the thoughtful, professional and overworked Probation Officers who are holding the ring in this crisis?

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Richard Rowley