Independent Review of the Probation Dynamic Framework


Richard Oldfield has published an independent ‘Review of the Probation Dynamic Framework’. This review was commissioned in January 2021 by the then Minister for Prisons and Probation, Lucy Frazer QC MP, and its commissioning was reconfirmed by her successor, Alex Chalk MP, in May 2021.

Richard Oldfield is the founder and executive chairman of Oldfield Partners, an asset management firm, and is a trustee of the Prince’s Trust and Amber Foundation and a number of other charities.

In a recent blog on Clinks Website, Richard discusses his review and its recommendations: that there should be a large-scale adoption of grants as the funding mechanism for some of the services; simplification of contracts; and a system which obliges large entities to include more specialised smaller organisations in their bids.

Download the Review of the Dynamic Framework of the National Probation Service

Richard Rowley